posted by Katie

First Step!!!!

Nathan took his first step this morning! It was messy, and was followed by a lung and fall into Mama's arms and a realization that crawling is still the fastest mode of transportation, so that step has not been repeated, but still, it was a step! Yay Nathan! We're excited but also not really pushing independent walking because we feel bad enough thinking about him being stuck in a cast and would hate for it to take away independent walking along with everything else, sigh... But it's still pretty great.

posted by Katie

A Mama can dream

So, I don’t want a bigger place to live (I mean, someday, yah, absolutely, and if you want to give me a house I won’t turn it down, but we’re happy where we are right now) and I don’t want to have more stuff, but I do want to learn how to sew and have time and space to do it. Because there are so many things that you could spend time trying to find and buy, or that you could just make yourself. Like beanbags. And fabric is so pretty!

I’m not sure where this urge is coming from, but as we start to think about accommodating Nathan’s cast, it’s just getting worse. Probably because I announced to Tim that the one house project that has to happen before surgery is getting our bedroom under control. We’ve been warned that sometimes sleeping is the hardest part for kids in these casts, and that some families end up moving kiddo into the big bed and one parent to the couch. Our bedroom is a hazard to move around without worrying about carrying a heavy baby in a full leg cast! Of course, instead of addressing the really necessary things (clearing walking space, storing those maternity clothes...) I’m daydreaming about curtains and duvet covers. What is wrong with me?

Even before this room improvement decision I was thinking that maybe if I could "just" get all the clutter and junk out of our house I could find room for a little sewing machine. Where I’ll find time, skills or room for projects, I have no idea. Until then, I guess I can ask Nana for help. Because, if you know us, you know there are three sewing machines living in our basement and a seamstress living upstairs...