posted by Katie

Parenting a 4 year old

Life with a four year old:

On the one hand, I want you to know that I hear you, your feelings are real and valid, crying is okay. On the other hand, you cannot break out in tears and wailing about Mama being gone when Mama is RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.


posted by Katie

Mozart always wins

Adventures in listening to Classical Radio:
- On Tuesday, after some attentive listening, Liam said he thought the composer was Mozart. It was Beethoven. We talked about how Beethoven visited Mozart and was familiar with his music.
- On Wednesday we turned on the radio and were greeted by Beethoven's variations on Papageno's aria (Mozart).
- On Thursday (today) after once again jumping to Mozart, Liam listened a bit more and decided instead he thought it was Beethoven. It was Beethoven.