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posted by Katie

Good Day Sunshine

The sun in shining and once again we are making our way towards 60 degrees. Not really appropriate for February, so I am terrified for our plant, but in a family season when the boys are really getting on each other's nerves, it's nice to be able to kick them outside.

We also just came off a week of not having a furnace.

A week ago Sunday, the heat went on the fritz and by the end of the day had quit. But it was 60 degrees out and our house holds temperature well, so no need to pay Sunday emergency prices to find a solution. Monday we got recommendations on furnace folks and had the first guy visit and give his diagnosis. We learned that our furnace was too big for the house and had been overheating and wearing itself out, resulting in a cracked something or other (Tim would know) and no heat. House was still warm enough, so we get a second opinion on Tuesday. Second opinion was the same as the first so we spent Wednesday reviewing the two project quotes and figuring out how to pay for a new furnace while in the process of refinancing our house and needing a new car (because if it's not one thing, it's three...). By Thursday the weather was getting itself back to winter so we were glad to have space heaters and the furnace installation under way. Thursday evening was the first time the house got below 60. And by dinner time Friday we had heat again.

And now the sun is back and it's once again making its way to 60 degrees outside. The weather may be wholly inappropriate, it's Super Tuesday which is as nauseating and it is exciting, but at least the sunshine makes brotherly fights and figuring out family finances a little easier to bare.

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