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posted by Katie

Major Meltdown

Well, the major meltdown day hit today. The boys took turns melting and tantruming - Nathan over his stretches and morning gym, Liam over the suggestion to write a note to his grandparents, Liam and then Nathan and the Liam and then Nathen while they "played" outside, and then again over legos. It was great. We all were super tired and even hot chocolate couldn't fix it. To top of all off, the governor announced that schools will not open before Monday May 4th. (May the Fourth be with you - and also with you.)

It's only been a week and a half, and each day of the five day work week has it's own uniqueness even if we are trying to keep a general pattern to our days, so not nearly enough time for any sort of routine to really set in. So that is hopeful I think, rather than terrifying. We may all be loosing our cool today, but we're also all still figuring this out. And knowing that we have at least 5 more weeks of being home together and that the schools are working on an equitable, healthy way to make remote learning happen makes me feel actually less concerned about getting any sort of "school stuff" done in these early days. I just want us to keep working on figure out what is going to work to keep us engaged, employed, and relatively happy.

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