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posted by Katie

Day 2

Liam's hand-washing strategy is as follows:

1) Squirt soap on your hands. Start singing any song that pops into your head.
2) Realize all you're doing is standing in the bathroom singing.
3) Begin rubbing your hands together vigorously while singing Mozart (ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle or Baba Black Sheep). Occasionally choose Happy Birthday. Sing all the way through once.
4) Put your hands under the water and begin rinsing while singing your chosen song a second time. If you chose Happy Birthday, include as part of your song a reflection on who you should be singing to, because whose birthday is today anyway?
5) Add a lengthy cadenza to the end of your song because there is no way you have gotten all the soap off yet.
6) Jump your way out of the bathroom with vigor.

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