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posted by Katie

Day 3

It's Sunday. Other than church at home via video (a thoughtfully done service - a somewhat successful watching experience - Tim was part of the team making church happen, so it was one Mama trying to pay attention wrangling two boys who were less into it) we had a pretty typical Sunday.

Of course, in such beautiful weather we're typically calling up friends for an outdoor adventure, but instead we decided to start teaching Liam to ride a bike. We played outside, raked leaves, fought, forgave, played Zelda, made dinner. Grandma and Grandpa dropped off fancy cocoa that we had planned to use in a joint baking project that is now postponed. We didn't do too much planning for the school week other than to figure out when Tim and I will each get work hours. And roughly when school-ish activities will happen.

Schools are now closed until at least April 6th - 3 weeks. So we will need some structure. School-ish stuff from 8am-3pm, including outdoor time, snacks, lunch, probably music every day, feels necessary to reduce everyone's metal burden of what do we do NOW? And just like on the weekends, it's okay to be bored some times.

This week we are keeping 100% to our family, but we are already in conversation with two local families about how to create a small, closed circle of outdoor, appropriately distanced social interaction in the following weeks.

SO here goes - back to "school" tomorrow...

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